Source code for deeprank.targets.rmsd_fnat

import os
import warnings

import numpy as np
from pdb2sql import StructureSimilarity

[docs]def __compute_target__(decoy, targrp, tarname, save_file=False): """Calcuate CAPRI metric IRMSD, LRMSD or FNAT. Args: decoy(bytes): pdb data of the decoy targrp(hdf5 file handle): HDF5 'targets' group tarnames(str): it must be IRMSD, LRMSD or FNAT. save_file(bool): save .izone, .lzone or .ref_pairs file or not, defaults to False. Returns: float: value of IRMSD, LRMSD or FNAT. Raises: ValueError: Wrong target name ValueError: native complex not exist ValueError: native complex has empty dataset Examples: >>> f = h5py.File('1LFD.hdf5') >>> decoy = f['1LFD_9w/complex'][()] >>> targrp = f['1LFD_9w/targets'] """ # check tarname tarname = tarname.upper() if tarname not in ("IRMSD", "LRMSD", "FNAT"): raise ValueError(f'Target name is wrong: {tarname}. ' f'It must be "IRMSD", "LRMSD", "FNAT"') # fet the mol group molgrp = targrp.parent molname = if save_file: path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) ZONE = path + '/zones/' if not os.path.isdir(ZONE): os.mkdir(ZONE) if tarname in targrp.keys(): del targrp[tarname] warnings.warn(f"Removed old {tarname} from {molname}") # if we have a ref if '_' not in molname: if tarname in ("IRMSD", "LRMSD"): target = 0.0 elif tarname == "FNAT": target = 1.0 targrp.create_dataset(tarname, data=np.array(target)) warnings.warn( f"{molname} is a native/reference complex " f"without '_' in filename. Assign {target} for {tarname}") # or it's a decoy else: if 'native' not in molgrp: raise ValueError( f"'native' not exist for {molname}. " f"You must provide reference pdb for computing targets") elif molgrp['native'][()].shape is None: raise ValueError( f"'native' dataset is empty for {molname}. " f"You must provide reference pdb for computing targets") molname = molname.split('_')[0] # init the class decoy = molgrp['complex'][()] ref = molgrp['native'][()] sim = StructureSimilarity(decoy, ref) # comppute the izone/lzone/ref_pairs if tarname == "IRMSD": if save_file: izone = ZONE + molname + '.izone' else: izone = None target = sim.compute_irmsd_fast(method='svd', izone=izone) elif tarname == "LRMSD": if save_file: lzone = ZONE + molname + '.lzone' else: lzone = None target = sim.compute_lrmsd_fast(method='svd', lzone=lzone) elif tarname == "FNAT": target = sim.compute_fnat_fast() targrp.create_dataset(tarname, data=np.array(target)) return target