Source code for deeprank.features.FullPSSM

import os
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pdb2sql

from deeprank import config
from deeprank.features import FeatureClass

#   Definition of the class

[docs]class FullPSSM(FeatureClass): def __init__(self, mol_name=None, pdb_file=None, chain1='A', chain2='B', pssm_path=None, pssm_format='new', out_type='pssmvalue'): """Compute all the PSSM data. Simply extracts all the PSSM information and store that into features Args: mol_name (str): name of the molecule. Defaults to None. pdb_file (str): name of the pdb_file. Defaults to None. chain1 (str): First chain ID. Defaults to 'A' chain2 (str): Second chain ID. Defaults to 'B' pssm_path (str): path to the pssm data. Defaults to None. pssm_format (str): "old" or "new" pssm format. Defaults to 'new'. out_type (str): which feature to generate, 'pssmvalue' or 'pssmic'. Defaults to 'pssmvalue'. 'pssm_format' must be 'new' when set type is 'pssmic'. Examples: >>> path = '/home/test/PSSM_newformat/' >>> pssm = FullPSSM(mol_name='2ABZ', >>> pdb_file='2ABZ_1w.pdb', >>> pssm_path=path) >>> pssm.read_PSSM_data() >>> pssm.get_feature_value() >>> print(pssm.feature_data_xyz) """ super().__init__("Residue") self.mol_name = mol_name self.pdb_file = pdb_file self.pssm_path = pssm_path self.pssm_format = pssm_format self.out_type = out_type.lower() self.chain1 = chain1 self.chain2 = chain2 if isinstance(pdb_file, str) and mol_name is None: self.mol_name = os.path.basename(pdb_file).split('.')[0] self.ref_mol_name = self.get_ref_mol_name(self.mol_name) if self.out_type == 'pssmic' and not self.pssm_format == 'new': raise ValueError(f"You must provide 'new' format PSSM files" f" to generate PSSM IC features for {self.mol_name}") if self.out_type == 'pssmvalue': # the residue order in res_names must be consistent with # that in PSSM file res_names = config.AA_codes_pssm_ordered self.feature_names = tuple(['PSSM_' + n for n in res_names]) for name in self.feature_names: self.feature_data[name] = {} self.feature_data_xyz[name] = {} else: name = 'pssm_ic' self.feature_names = (name,) self.feature_data[name] = {} self.feature_data_xyz[name] = {}
[docs] @staticmethod def get_ref_mol_name(mol_name): """Get the bared mol name.""" return mol_name.split('_')[0]
[docs] def read_PSSM_data(self): """Read the PSSM data into a dictionary.""" names = os.listdir(self.pssm_path) fnames = list(filter(lambda x: self.mol_name in x, names)) # if decoy pssm files not exist, use reference pssm files if not fnames: fnames = list(filter(lambda x: self.ref_mol_name in x, names)) num_pssm_files = len(fnames) if num_pssm_files == 0: raise FileNotFoundError( f'No PSSM file found for ' f'{self.mol_name} in {self.pssm_path}') # old format with one file for all chains # and only pssm data if self.pssm_format == 'old': if num_pssm_files > 1: raise ValueError( f'Multiple PSSM files found for ' f'{self.mol_name} in {self.pssm_path}') else: fname = fnames[0] with open(os.path.join(self.pssm_path, fname), 'rb') as f: data = f.readlines() raw_data = list(map(lambda x: x.decode('utf-8').split(), data)) # pssm_res_id: [('B', 573, 'HIS'), (...)] # pssm_data: [[...], [...]] self.pssm_res_id = np.array(raw_data)[:, :3] self.pssm_res_id = [(r[0], int(r[1]), r[2]) for r in self.pssm_res_id] self.pssm_data = np.array(raw_data)[:, 3:].astype(np.float32) # new format with ≥2 files (each chain has one file) # and aligned mapping and IC (i.e. the iScore format) elif self.pssm_format == 'new': if num_pssm_files < 2: raise FileNotFoundError( f'Only one PSSM file found for ' f'{self.mol_name} in {self.pssm_path}') # get chain name fnames.sort() chain_names = [n.split('.')[1] for n in fnames] resmap = config.AA_codes_1to3 iiter = 0 for chainID, fn in zip(chain_names, fnames): with open(os.path.join(self.pssm_path, fn), 'rb') as f: data = f.readlines() raw_data = list( map(lambda x: x.decode('utf-8').split(), data)) rd = np.array(raw_data)[1:, :2] rd = [(chainID, int(r[0]), resmap[r[1]]) for r in rd] if self.out_type == 'pssmvalue': pd = np.array(raw_data)[1:, 4:-1].astype(np.float32) else: pd = np.array(raw_data)[1:, -1].astype(np.float32) pd = pd.reshape(pd.shape[0], -1) if iiter == 0: self.pssm_res_id = rd self.pssm_data = pd iiter = 1 else: self.pssm_res_id += rd self.pssm_data = np.vstack((self.pssm_data, pd)) self.pssm = dict(zip(self.pssm_res_id, self.pssm_data))
[docs] def get_feature_value(self, cutoff=5.5): """get the feature value.""" sql = pdb2sql.interface(self.pdb_file) # set achors for all residues and get their xyz xyz_info, xyz = self.get_residue_center(sql) xyz_dict = {} for pos, info in zip(xyz, xyz_info): xyz_dict[tuple(info)] = pos # get interface contact residues # ctc_res = {"A":[chain 1 residues], "B": [chain2 residues]} ctc_res = sql.get_contact_residues(cutoff=cutoff, chain1=self.chain1, chain2=self.chain2) sql._close() ctc_res = ctc_res[self.chain1] + ctc_res[self.chain2] # handle with small interface or no interface total_res = len(ctc_res) if total_res == 0: raise ValueError( f"{self.mol_name}: No interface residue found with the " f"cutoff {cutoff}Å." f" Failed to calculate the features of FullPSSM/PSSM_IC.") elif total_res < 5: # this is an empirical value warnings.warn( f"{self.mol_name}: Only {total_res} interface residues found" f" with cutoff {cutoff}Å. Be careful with" f" using the features FullPSSM/PSSM_IC") # check if interface residues have pssm values ctc_res_set = set(ctc_res) pssm_res_set = set(self.pssm.keys()) if len(ctc_res_set.intersection(pssm_res_set)) == 0: raise ValueError( f"{self.mol_name}: All interface residues have no pssm values." f" Check residue chainID/ID/name consistency " f"between PDB and PSSM files" ) elif len(ctc_res_set.difference(pssm_res_set)) > 0: ctc_res_wo_pssm = ctc_res_set.difference(pssm_res_set) ctc_res_with_pssm = ctc_res_set - ctc_res_wo_pssm warnings.warn( f"{self.mol_name}: The following interface residues have " f" no pssm value:\n {ctc_res_wo_pssm}" ) else: ctc_res_with_pssm = ctc_res # get feature values for res in ctc_res_with_pssm: chain = {self.chain1: 0, self.chain2: 1}[res[0]] key = tuple([chain] + xyz_dict[res]) for name, value in zip(self.feature_names, self.pssm[res]): # Make sure the feature_names and pssm[res] have # consistent order of the 20 residue types # name: PSSM_ALA # value: -3.0 # res: ('B', 573, 'HIS') # key: (0, -19.346, 6.156, -3.44) self.feature_data[name][res] = [value] self.feature_data_xyz[name][key] = [value]
######################################################################## # # THE MAIN FUNCTION CALLED IN THE INTERNAL FEATURE CALCULATOR # ########################################################################
[docs]def __compute_feature__(pdb_data, featgrp, featgrp_raw, chain1, chain2, out_type='pssmvalue'): """Main function called in deeprank for the feature calculations. Args: pdb_data (list(bytes)): pdb information featgrp (str): name of the group where to save xyz-val data featgrp_raw (str): name of the group where to save human readable data chain1 (str): First chain ID chain2 (str): Second chain ID out_type (str): which feature to generate, 'pssmvalue' or 'pssmic'. """ if config.PATH_PSSM_SOURCE is None: raise FileExistsError(f"No available PSSM source, " f"check 'config.PATH_PSSM_SOURCE'") else: path = config.PATH_PSSM_SOURCE mol_name = os.path.split([0] mol_name = mol_name.lstrip('/') pssm = FullPSSM(mol_name, pdb_data, chain1=chain1, chain2=chain2, pssm_path=path, out_type=out_type) # read the raw data pssm.read_PSSM_data() # get the feature vales pssm.get_feature_value() # export in the hdf5 file pssm.export_dataxyz_hdf5(featgrp) pssm.export_data_hdf5(featgrp_raw)
######################################################################## # # IF WE JUST TEST THE CLASS # ######################################################################## if __name__ == '__main__': from time import time from pprint import pprint t0 = time() base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)))) # pdb_file = os.path.join(base_path, "test/1AK4/native/1AK4.pdb") pdb_file = os.path.join(base_path, "test/1AK4/decoys/1AK4_cm-itw_238w.pdb") path = os.path.join(base_path, "test/1AK4/pssm_new") # pssm = FullPSSM(mol_name='1AK4', pdb_file=pdb_file, pssm_path=path, # pssm_format='new', out_type='pssmic') pssm = FullPSSM(pdb_file=pdb_file, pssm_path=path, pssm_format='new', out_type='pssmvalue') # get the pssm smoothed sum score pssm.read_PSSM_data() pssm.get_feature_value() pprint(pssm.feature_data) print() pprint(pssm.feature_data_xyz) print(' Time %f ms' % ((time() - t0) * 1000))